Viva Arquitectura | About
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about VIVA

VIVA arquitectura is an environmental architecture and design studio for the development of environmentally conscious climate responsive architecture through design, research and certification.  Originally created as Sustainable Design Studio in 2005, the office was renamed  VIVA Arquitectura in 2013 as an identity that would best represent architecture as a living, ever changing and adapting field that must be used for social development, environmental preservation and raise awareness on global scale problems such as climate change, building environmental impact. We work with clients of all types in developing architecture, research or certification projects that meet our clients requirements, excel expected results and allow us to contribute to a better world.


Our architecture studio is a social endeavor where our work with our clients and partners allows us to contribute with communities and social groups in the development of projects that make a difference to them and their outcomes.


Veronica Reed


Veronica became an architect in 2001 and since then has been working in the development of environmental-conscious architecture that achieves social change.  She is interested in the role architecture can play in generating better environments and better communities.  In 2004 Veronica received her Master of Science in Building Design in energy efficiency and climate responsive architecture as Fulbright Fellow at Arizona State University.  While at ASU Veronica worked on research and development of affordable housing connecting environmental design with housing development.  Since then her work has been focused on architecture as a tool for change in social development on a community level and as a tool for environmental preservation on for-profit projects.